Monday, November 28, 2011

my garden...tq mr gardener

This garden was an effort by my hubby...Thanks to him..

Lady Seleyda


Just sharing with you my 2 lil boys..Danish & Kimi..
the pic was taken way back in 2009, and they had already being bigger by now.. will tyr to post more of their photos on the blog...just i need more time to do so...:)

Love LadySeleyda

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Another set for private spa at home..


It was last weekend where my sis came and set up the rooms, preparing for spa & creme bath..

and of course, this pic shows my son - also enjoyed the creme bath with his aunts..naughty one..

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

hELLO...I have updated my blog

Hello everyone...I have uploaded some photos of gubahan hantaran, pretty goodies and bunga telur for your view...sesiapa yang berminat, boleh contact me at the SMS..

Check it out at 'Gubahan Hantaran' Link.


Monday, September 12, 2011

Welcome to my 'new' home..

After 2 months renovating, we had finally settled with the dusty tiring process..and I am still in the midst of rearranging and tidying up my home..but as promised, i wud like to share with you guys who treasures english home decor..and i am not good at describing in words.. not an artist either...

Hope the pictures speak louder ya..enjoy..

Just to share...this table was painted by me ...same goes to the watering u like it? :)

and this is my new kitchen...specially designed by me & the designer la...:) Hope it can give more appetites for me to cook and bake for the darling and kids..

And this is one spot in the guest bath room...
the mirror was a wedding gift from my close friend Mai, where it had been transformed to white..
and most importantly...

Above all, love each other deeply..from the heart...

And my decor will not be any meaning without the touch from the darling too...


Hello to my frens and my blog follower..Thank you for visiting my blog..It has been quite long time for me not to update my is still worrys..Hugs Lady Seleyda